Benzac ac alergia.Acne Treatments: Severe Allergic Reaction Warnings

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Acne Treatments: Severe Allergic Reaction Warnings -


Acne Treatments: Severe Allergic Reaction Warnings


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Prevention Tips

  • Before using a new skin product, apply a small amount on the inside of your elbow (or follow test instructions on the label). If you have a skin reaction of any kind, check with the prescriber before using it again.
  • If you have itching, swelling, or hives, stop using the product immediately and call your doctor.
  • If you have chest tightness, trouble breathing, feel faint, or have swelling of your lips or face or eyes or tongue, call 911 for an immediate trip to the emergency room.

This Really Happened

A 26-year-old woman with acne began using a skin treatment that contained 10 percent benzoyl peroxide. Within 2 weeks, she developed red, itchy skin and severe swelling of her face. After a complete medical workup and extensive allergy testing, her doctors determined that benzoyl peroxide was the cause of her dangerous symptoms. Her symptoms cleared up when the drug was stopped.

Reference: Minciullo PL, Patafi M, Giannetto L, Ferlazzo B, Trombetta D, Saija A, et al. Allergic contact angioedema to benzoyl peroxide. J Clin Pharm Ther 2006;31:385-7.
